Operational Challenges

The client, a global webcasting company, provides advanced broadcasting solutions connecting people, teams, and enterprises across the globe.

Yet, their operational costs were very high, and they needed help to pinpoint the contributing factors. Despite collecting a vast amount of data on service desk performance, the company was unsure of the most effective way to improve efficiency. As a result, Peak Process Group was hired to minimize operational costs without sacrificing the quality of their customer service.


Peak’s first course of action was to review all ticketing data over the previous two year span to understand all service issues coming into the organization. It was very quickly identified that 75% of customer requests were basic requests, such as password setups or password resets.

We did a cost-benefit analysis on the implementation of a self-servicing solution so their customers could set up and reset their own passwords. Once completed, we help the client design and plan for this new offering.

Because of this change alone, the number of incoming tickets per month was significantly reduced - from 1,200 to 300. The client’s monthly expenditures for ticket resolution decreased accordingly: from $26,400/mo (or $316,800/yr) to $6,600/mo (or $79,200/yr).

After, we analyzed their customer service processes to determine how long each task was taking to complete, what support needed, and what their agent workload looked like. We determined that agent productivity was, on average, 25% compared against Peak’s standard benchmark of 75%.

75% productivity is ideal not only because it includes acceptable, basic human activities such as bathroom breaks, impromptu meetings, but it also grants the business flexibility to scale quickly, when needed. In the event of a surge in demand, agents at 90% capacity or higher cannot take on additional work. In this situation, businesses have far less flexibility in managing staffing in response to unexpected (and potentially temporary) changes to the business environment.  

Because of the low utilization rate, the client expected agents to service phone lines for conferences and virtual events when they weren't resolving active tickets. But, these tasks were already being outsourced, which further reducing agent productivity.

Peak helped to design a hybrid staffing plan for the service desk keeping high priority tasks in-house, while outsourcing lower tier requests. Based on this new model, the client saw a cost savings of $187,500 every month on average.

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Ultimately, we were able to help the client identify areas for process improvement and optimize their customer service operations. By implementing our recommendations, they were able to reduce operational costs while still providing excellent customer service. If your business is struggling with high operational costs or poor productivity, contact us today. Our team of experts can help you determine where improvements can be made quickly.